Overall, my heart is full of good cheer this Christmas season.
As of today, all of my daughters are home!
And so is my daughter's boyfriend, Krispin, and my friend's dog, Buddie . . . the more, the merrier, I say!
I drove away from a satisfying day at work today, pleased that I get to take off all of next week to be with my family.
I've had a sneaking suspicion for some time now that this could be our last Christmas together:
- Candyce will probably be in some exotic and dangerous part of the world sharing Jesus with the lost this time next year
- Danielle will disown me if I actually say where I think she might be next December
- Lindsay could be serving the poor in Africa, worshiping in Jerusalem, or just hitting the pubs in Ireland
You never know with my girls. They will all be legal adults; they are all part-gypsy; they are all Strannigans.
So I will cherish the time I have with them for now.
Since Lindsay is home, plans are in the making. We are having a Christmas open house tomorrow (I think half the planet has been invited),
Shopping and baking on Saturday
Christmas eve services, lasagna, and Christmas light oohing and aahing on Sunday.
On Monday, we'll laze around and open gifts. Some time during the day, we'll take coats and presents to the refugee family Danielle works with. And then we'll give thanks and pig out on turkey. There's a rumor that we might go see a movie Christmas day--if we feel like it.
We laugh a lot when the girls are all home. Lindsay is the Christmas queen--she has the master plan for how the holiday will unfold and we all, elf-like, do her bidding. Because of her strong preferences on holiday matters, her grandpa nick-named her HRH--"Her royal highness"--when she was quite small. These days, I'm quite relieved when HRH arrives and takes the reins from her worn-out mother.
Danielle is the thoughtful, spiritual one, making sure we include the poor and the broken-hearted in our festivities. She's cheered me up and on as I prepared for this holiday season. She's also decided she like to bake--look out, Rachel Ray!
Candyce, dear Spuddie, is the social butterfly, flitting in and out with her friends, stopping momentarily to chat and kiss my cheek. We will have long walks and good talks before she heads back to Salem, so I don't fret. Where Candyce goes, a party follows.
This Christmas eve, I know for sure that Greg and I will snuggled up in the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights, sip some wine and count our blessings.
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of family.
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