Friday, December 08, 2006

It's a wonderful life . . .

This year, especially this Christmas season, I have been flooded with a sense of gratitude for my life. There have certainly been some rough patches along the road, and I've detoured through the Valley of the Shadow of Death a few times. But the view from where I stand today is illumined by His glorious light--I can see His hand upon me and sense His purpose guiding me all along the way.
My life has been filled with miracles. My conversion (I'll have to blog about that some day),how the Lord let me be with my mom when she died, how He moved me from Texas to San Jose just so I could meet Greg, and how I sensed the Father walk me down the aisle during our wedding!
The Lord has supernaturally healed Danielle of hydrocephalus, Greg of paralysis, and delivered me from a crippling spirit of fear. Even though I had no clue how to parent, all my daughters are following hard after Jesus--a definite act of His grace! I feel like I have the best marriage on the planet; all because the Lord gave my husband the grace to love me like Christ loves His church.
I am so incredibly blessed!
I love my job (I send people to plant churches in Alaska, Canada and Siberia), I love my ministry at church (prayer, hiking, and mission trips to Alaska), I love my friends, I love my spazzy little dog, I even love being 50.
I love His grace.
I love Jesus--and He loves me!
As I write this post, I realize it has become a "Thank You" note to my heavenly Father, for the wonderful gift of my life.
My heart is so full . . .