Sunday, February 18, 2007


God is so very interesting.

I've been praying for the Lord to put together a team for our outreach in the Alaskan bush this summer. Several of the folks who went with us last year have re-enlisted, and the Lord has added a few new faces.

The latest being Chief.

I met Chief at a facility where I was serving dinner to homeless folks. Chief, who is a Nez Perce Indian, is not homeless at the moment, but he's spent more than three years living on the streets of Portland. He's been in and out of rehab programs, hospitals, rescue missions--Chief has experienced his share of hard times.
But, as Chief will tell you, the love of God has rescued him. And he shares that blessed truth at every opportunity.
The very first time I met Chief, I had this crazy impulse to invite him to minister in Alaska with us.
He didn't even hesitate. "Sure," Chief said.
Chief caught a ride to our church today and then came to our house for lunch. Chief is very soft-spoken and reserved--the poor guy had a hard time eating his lunch with all the questions I was asking him! at one point I asked Chief what he was afraid of and without missing a beat, he answered: "People."
But he stayed for the team meeting this afternoon, and was introduced to even more people. Chief didn't say much, but listened as we brainstormed and even joined us in our closing prayers. He said he wants to join the team.

It doesn't faze him that he has to raise $1,200 and that he doesn't have a job--and has never raised support before.

He didn't seem bothered in the least that he's the only person of Native heritage on the team.

Chief just seems very focused on the truth that God has called him out of darkness into His glorious light--and he wants to share that whenever and wherever he can.

He has many obstacles to overcome, this precious man, but I believe his calling and destiny are greater than we can fathom.

I have no idea how the Lord will work out all the details to get Chief to Alaska with us--but I think we will all have some incredible tales to tell before our trip has even started!