Saturday, May 26, 2007


I'm currently in Lindsay's Long Beach apartment, relishing the sea breeze and recovering from a fitful night's sleep (caused by one psycho kitten. It used my head as a springboard for the window sill at least a dozen times).

I like being here. There's a peacefulness, even though I know Lindsay's world gallops by at breakneck speed most of the time. She's graciously slowed down for me this weekend. We strolled 2nd street last night and dined on curried crepes. We hit some amazing garage sales and thrift stores this morning, then treated ourselves to a triple iced espresso at Lindsay's favorite coffee place. We had organic salad for lunch, the she was off to play racquet ball while I walked and napped.

On Sunday, I visited her church. Lindsay was the "director" for Pentecost Sunday, which means she got to boss lots of folks around, which is one of her spiritual gifts :)
The highlight of the service occurred when 10 people from different countries stood up, one after another, and glorified the Lord in their native tongue. An awesome foretaste of worship we every tribe, tongue and nation stands before His throne. Very soul-stirring!

Last night, we went to the Dubliner, an Irish Pub where Beth, the worship leader, plays fiddle every Sunday night. So Lindsay, her friends, and me quaffed a pint and listened to foot-tapping strains of Irish folk music until Beth packed up her fiddle and moved on to her next gig. There was a map of Ireland on the wall next to our table, and I found our family name iscribed over the central part of County Cork. Beth says that's the most beautiful part of Ireland.

I will go some day.

Today, Linds and I will walk to the beach, get pedicures and generally loll about and enjoy this last day together. It has been good for me to see her in her "natural habitat." I got to finally see her cute little apartment and meet her roomies. I attended her church and met the people she works and plays with. Although I will always pray that she moves closer to home, I'm more than ever convinced that Lindsay does let her light shine down here. And she does hold fast to the Word of Life.

She does have one major character flaw, though. She has no idea how incredibly precious she is to Jesus--that she is His beloved, His chosen, the apple of His eye. I think she forgets that He has plans to prosper and not to harm her, that every hard thing she's ever been through is shaping her soul to fulfill her destiny. The particular verse I've always prayed over Lindsay is: "Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves," and I think her trip to Africa will be the beginning of a season of "speaking up" in her life.

I will be sad to leave her today, but excited to see what the Lord has in store for her, whether she moves to Portland--or heads back to Africa! Lindsay is my hero, I've always been in awe of her talents, intellect and energy. But most of all I love her loyal and compassionate heart.
I love you, Linds!