Wednesday, September 12, 2007


my youngest daughter, Candyce, has returned from Africa. She traveled to Uganda and other countries with a YWAM buddy to scout out future outreach possibilities.

As with any trip abroad--and especially in developing countries--the journey was fraught with difficulties. Candyce often had to hike five miles one way to find an InterNet cafe' so she could email her mother. She had to step over black snakes (I'm pretty sure it was a black mamba, which chases people and bites them and then they swell up and die) on her way to evening meetings. She suffered greatly from some African malady, which caused her to curl up in a fetal position next to a filthy squatty potty for the better part of hot, humid night. (The locals all told her she had malaria, but that doesn't seem to be the case, praise be to Jesus!)

One of her toughest hurdles came in the form of a denied visa. Not hers, but her traveling companion's, and it forced Candyce to make a difficult decision. Should she stay behind with her friend, or continue the trip as planned?

After much prayer (and a quick phone call to her mother, who advised her NOT to go), Candyce felt the Lord's nudging to go it alone. He reminded her, ever so gently, that He'd asked her if she would go to Africa by herself for Him just a few months earlier.

"Sure, Lord!" she'd replied, thinking He would never in His infinite wisdom ask her to do such a crazy thing.

But now He was holding her to her promise . . .

I can't--for security's sake--tell you where my 21-year-old child ventured or what amazing things she did. I'm pretty sure she's not told me all the gory details. But whatever transpired in that hostile country, she's returned safely home. But during her journey, Candyce picked up something far more serious than the Traveler's Revenge.

She's radioactive!

I'm not kidding--she glows! There's a fire in her spirit that radiates from deep within and infects everyone she meets. She's downright contagious!

Seriously, I'd stay away from that girl unless you are serious about giving your life away for Jesus . . .


jenzai said... Remind me to tell you a little story about praying for her that night. Jen

mexicandyce said...

yes, and when will you go with me?
im dying to take you accross the world to have even greater adventures with me. i love you to death mom, and no matter where i am in the world, i am always thankful to have such a prayer warrior for a mother. honestly, i am probably only alive because of your tireless prayers...well maybe not...but perhaps i have been spared a few broken bones or kidnappings or something...anyhow...i love you.

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