Saturday, January 12, 2008

All creatures great and small . . .

Since Scout got sick, I've talked to God a lot. Especially about where animals fit in His Eternal scheme of things. Sometimes I feel guilty because of the tears I've shed, the prayers I've prayed, the time and money I've spent on "just a pet".

I mean, there are people being slaughtered in Kenya and good folks dying of cancer in my neighborhood, for pete's sake.

And I do pray for them, but they aren't slowly fading away at the foot of my bed.

So, I've been asking the Lord how He feels about animals. I've been too busy lugging Scout back and forth from the vet's to do an in-depth Bible study, but these are some truths the Spirit brought to mind . . .

God created animals and called them good. He cared so much for them tha He ordered Noah to custom-build an ark to preserve each species. He gives His creatures food and drink and even knows when a lowly sparrow falls to the ground. He charges humans to give humane treatment to all animals under their care . . . the list goes on.

Not only does God delight in and care for His critters, He enlists them for kingdom purposes. He commanded a big fish (I think it was a halibut) to redirect Jonah, the runaway prophet, to Ninevah. Under heavenly direction, ravens provided Elijah with meat while he hunkered down in the desert. God actually used a talking donkey to get rebellious Balaam's attention. And He called a certain lion to fast when Daniel was tossed into its den. Again, the list goes on . . .

These reminders of Scripture have helped me immensely. I know God loves my spazzy little dog a lot more than I do--and I even believe He has a purpose for her life. I've seen inklings of His purpose in Scout's sickness--people around the world have been stirred to pray for her (read Tyson's prayer in the comments on the previous blog)and have reached out to me with comfort and love. I think the peace and calm He has given me during our many trips to the clinic have blessed the vet--she had tears in her eyes when she saw Scout's condition this morning and I ended up comforting her!

I've connected with complete strangers this morning while waiting to check Scout back in at the clinic. They had a beautiful doberman, Belle, who was recovering from a recent stomach surgery. By the end of the conversation: she had my contact information so she could join in on my hiking/snowshoe trips; promised to pray faithfully for Scout; encouraged me that God would even provide financially during this time.

"Belle's surgery was $1,300," she told me. "But we received an unexpected check in the mail this week for $1,000. What a blessing from God!"

And I was so blessed by this random connection.

So, I'm still praying fervently for the Lord to heal Scout. But I'm also asking Him to use her and this situation for His glory. There's a purpose in all this somewhere . . .

For updates on Scout's condition, go to: