Monday, November 10, 2008

fear of the Lord

In my humble opinion, there is one--and only one--reason that our country is in such a sorry state right now.

The Church has not walked in the fear of the Lord.

As I've been asking the Lord how to speak up for truth and justice, He's been showing me that I struggle in this area because I've been walking in the fear of man. Many times, when confronted with arguments that I know are not truth-based, I stay silent to avoid conflict. My views are not changed, but I don't speak up for the sake of peace (which really isn't peace at all, but a cowardly silence). I care more about the approval of men than about pleasing and obeying God.

I'm not sure that one can be "politically correct" and walk in the fear of the Lord . . .

So, I'm digging into the Word and doing a study on what exactly the fear of the Lord entails. I studied this concept at length years ago, but I feel a great need for a refresher course.

But what I DO know about the fear of the Lord is this:
  • it is the beginning of wisdom and knowlege
  • it teaches us to hate evil and love good
  • it prolongs life and provides protection and provision
  • it results in great blessing
  • it results in intimate friendship with God
  • it is a refuge for us and our children

I've prayed for many years for my daughters, that they would not walk in the fear of man, but in the fear of the Lord. I think it is time to pray that for myself--and the Body of Christ at large. What we this nation look life if the Church removed her politically correct muzzle and allowed God to put His Words in her mouth?

I think it's time we find out . . .