Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I want to share with all my faithful blog followers one of the most amazing supplements I've ever come across: l-theanine.

I won't bore you with all the scientific data, but here's the simple scoop. l-theanine is an amino acid and is found in green tea. From the research I've done, l-theanine seems to raise seratonin levels in the brain, boost the immune system, prevent certain forms of cancer . . .

I can testify that it's the best anti-anxiety remedy I've ever used! From xanax to all manner of natural cures, I've tried them all--and l-theanine has worked wonders for me.

Benefits I've noticed from daily usage of l-theanine: NO MORE PANIC ATTACKS! A much better general outlook on life. I don't get sick as much--my whole family just recovered from that terrible 2-week flu that's going around, but I did not succumb to the bug! I feel like I have more energy. I am more focused and able to finish the task at hand.

It hasn't cured my insomnia, but it just doesn't freak me out anymore that I can't sleep. I can watch the news now without having panic attacks and have a much brighter outlook on the future. Because my panic button has been disabled, I can once again realize that the joy of the Lord is my strength.

If you are already on meds for depression/anxiety/ADHD, you should talk to your doctor before taking l-theanine. I have no idea how those things all work together. All I know is that this substance, that the Lord so lovingly created, has been amazingly beneficial to me.