Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pray for Angela!

I got an email from my Native friend, Roger Huntington, this week asking for prayer. A teenager from the village of Selawik, AK (above the Arctic Circle) has been missing for several days. Roger flew to the village and spent many hours searching for Angela, but returned to Galena without finding her. There were some encouraging signs, however, that she may be alive, camping out in the woods. Angela has talked about suicide on several occasions so please lift her and her family up in prayer.
She has been to Kokrine Hills Bible camp many times.
Thanks! Pass this along if you can . . .


Jennifer said...

I've been thinking and praying about this since I first read it...has there been any more news yet?

shawnalyne said...

No news yet. Which isn't good news. But keep praying until we know . . .

Jennifer said...

...I will...

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