Saturday, March 27, 2010

wedding snapshots

this will be brief, as I'm packing up and getting ready to go to Streams of Life church to hear Greg preach. But I want to get some of the wedding highlights down while they are fresh in my mind . . .

Just getting ready was a trip! Candyce and Jacey had to be at the salon at 6:30 a.m. yesterday to get their hair done. Africans don't like doing mzungu hair, so give themselves plenty of time for the chore. I showed up with bagels and cream cheese at 9:30, in time to see the finishing touches put on Candyce's hair. Even though she specifically asked for no oil to be added, her hairdresser slyly worked a small amount into her hair. The shiny look is desirable in this culture I presume.

Oil was also added to my hair and then a very hot straightening iron applied. The stylist asked if I wanted my "fringe" up or down. Down, I told him. So I ended up with straight, oily hair and an overly long fringe framing my face. But at least we were all out of the salon by 10:30.

We went back to the guest house to dress and put on makeup. Three cars (two mercedes and a toyota for the parents) arrived around 1, and we made our way to the church. The processional had already started before the bride even arrived, so we all scurried to our places. I lugged a big bag with water, tissue (toilet paper, actually), camera, snacks and makeup for the bride with me to my prominent place at the very top and center of the stage.

The processional went fairly smoothly, except for the ribbon that blocked the arch the wedding party was supposed to walk through. No one had told us it was tradition for the bride to go first and cut the ribbon. Candyce, according to American tradition, went last, so all the others in the party either walked around the arch--or under the ribbon! But it all worked out and Candyce and her dad finally walked triumphantly down the aisle.

I can only describe the rest of the wedding as beautiful chaos--you will have to come see the video, I can't really explain it. It was awesome to watch Candyce and Steven wash each other's feet--and you couldn't keep from dancing when the UJV kids closed out the event with two lively African songs.

After a brief greeting, our cars whisked us all away for pictures and two hours later we arrived at the reception (at the guest house) where we were all introduced again, speeches were made, cakes were cut and we ate and danced the night away. Besides seeing my beautiful baby girl being married off to my wonderful new African son, the highlight was dancing with Resty. That girl has moves--and showed me a few!

God spared us from rain--we had a few sprinkles during the outdoor reception, but the weather passed right by. About 11 last night, however, the skies burst and it rained violently for about 2 hours. So thankful the Lord blessed us with perfect weather.

I will post more pictures and stories when we get home. Candyce and Steven are on their way to Mbosa, Kenya today for their honeymoon. It was hard to to goodbye last night, but that sadness was overshadowed at the joy we felt in welcoming Steven to the family.

Thanks for all your love, support and prayers!


CarJax said...

What an amazing day! And what a blessing that you now have "three daughters married. God has been good to us..." Just reminded me of those lines in Pride & Prejudice. :) God HAS been good to the Strannigan family! Thanks for sharing your day, Shawn. Hugs!

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